Courtesy | Integrity | Perseverance | Self-Control | Indomitable Spirit
Ye Ui Yom Chi In Nae Guk Gi Baekjul Boolgool
예 의 염 치 인 내 극 기 백 절 불 굴
SG Taekwon-Do School
International Taekwon-Do Federation
Grandmaster General Choi Hong Hi 1918 - 2002

Taekwon-Do Classes for Kids & Adults
To develop confidence, discipline, perseverance and self-control. Join the on-going class, Taekwon-Do and be part of the self-development team which helps to promote greater benefits for yourself. You can achieve your success sooner.
The program will be taught in:
Foot work movement
Punching & Kicking techniques
Body coordination
Patterns (Tuls)
Free Sparring
How does Taekwon-Do training helps:
Decrease stress levels
Acquire strong mental and physical discipline
Increase awareness, self-confidence and self-esteem
Increase your fitness level (stamina, flexibility and agility)
Acquire the ability to remain calm and retain a clear head in stressful situations
The need for the knowledge of martial arts is vital for positive mental and physical growth in the lives of children. The negative stereotype is that martial arts inculcate violence in the youth. However, most people are sorely mistaken. Martial arts can benefit a child in terms of defence, discipline, positive character building and fitness. Also through games and fun activities, enable the children to enjoy the class while developing a constructive and flexible mind set.
Character building is an essential part of our training. Extensive exposure to the program will result in being instilled with positive values such as courtesy, respect, loyalty, integrity, a sense of responsibility and fair sportsmanship.
Our cardio workout will enable adults and children to increase in fitness level. Stamina, flexibility and agility are optimal in times of handling any situation that includes level of concentration in their daily life hood.
You would be taught efficiently step by step in a comfortable and safe environment. Our trained and certified instructors will demonstrate each technique and explain the functionality of each technique so that student will understand the proper means of utilizing the techniques.